Home address
St-Ulrichs-Platz 2/4
1070 Vienna
Home +43 1 522 7467
John +43 664 7313 1035
Cristina +43 650 762 2417
Guest Professor
Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources
TU Wien / Vienna University of Technology
Karlsplatz 13/222, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Family History
John's mother spent many years researching the Family History
A computer program for calculating rating curves
I have developed a computer program that reads in rating
data for a gauging station or structure and calculates a
rating curve using least squares methods. It has nothing
to do with the old method of trying to fit straight lines
on log-log axes. It seems to work well.
The program and its operation are described here.
All files necessary for the operation of the program are
(it is necessary to copy that link text and paste it into
your internet browser). It is a self-extracting file that,
when downloaded and executed (after your computer maybe
asks you to say that it is acceptable), unpacks the files,
retaining the original file structure, under a directory
of your choice. The program is based on the research
described in two documents:
In those papers a number of different aspects of the
problem are considered, including calculating Rating
Envelopes for scattered data, and the incorporation
of dates of ratings so that one can calculate a rating
curve for any day in the past.

A method for approximating, smoothing, differentiating,
interpolating, or calculating an envelope to data
While working on river rating curves I developed a program
using quadratic or cubic splines. Its primary use was to
approximate noisy data, but the method seems quite flexible
to approximate more-or-less scattered data, or to smooth,
differentiate, interpolate, or calculate an envelope to that
data. An example is Nikuradse's results for resistance
in pipes, which shows variable curvature:

The program and a
supporting theoretical document are described here.
Collected papers
Recent publications
- Fenton, J. D. (2024) The measurement
and integration of stream velocity (and almost
anything else) using a remarkable formula, Alternative Hydraulics 10
A proof is given that the traditional two-point
formula for integrating velocity measurements in
streams is surprisingly accurate, and better than
other hydrometric formulae that require more
measurements. It is just as accurate for any function
or data that are smooth enough to be able to be
represented by a polynomial of up to sixth degree
- Fenton, J. D. (2024) Convolution,
deconvolution, the unit hydrograph and flood routing,
Journal of Hydrology 634, 131034
Convolution equations are used to relate the input and
the output of a system such as rainfall and runoff, or
inflow and outflow of a river reach. There have been
numerous reports of unsatisfactory results from the
deconvolution necessary to calculate the connecting
transfer function. The cause is that the equations are
ill-conditioned, and it is shown here that the
fundamental theoretical solution is that of wild
oscillations such as has often been found
computationally. A spectral method is proposed for
numerical solution, where, instead of individual point
values, the transfer function is expressed as series
of given continuous functions, where the problem is to
determine the coefficients of those functions. The
resulting equations have been found to be
well-conditioned, and solutions obtained were smooth,
bounded, and enabled a certain amount of physical
interpretation of the transfer function. The method
has been applied to several problems, including
typical rainfall-runoff ones and flood routing and
wave propagation problems, with quite satisfactory
results. Another problem for deconvolution is found to
be the traditional use of truncated equations. A
remedy is only to use later output data points where
convolution with input data does not reach back beyond
the initial one. For the routing of larger flood
events, the linear methods employed were found to be
not so accurate. However as they are a first
approximation that requires no knowledge of stream
geometry or resistance, and as either discharge or
water level hydrographs can be used, they may be
- Fenton, John D., Huber, Boris, Klasz, Gerhard and
Krouzecky, Norbert (2023) Ship waves in rivers:
Environmental criteria and analysis methods for
measurements,, River Research and Applications 39(4),
A literature review shows that the most important
physical quantities determining environmental impact
of ship waves in a waterway are the fluid velocities,
maximum and minimum water levels, and size of drawdown
events. Fluid velocity can vary strongly in the
vertical so that the usual measurements at a single
point are not enough unless made near where the
effects are most important, often the bed. Customary
use of wave height as a measure of impact has been
misleading, because the all-important fluid velocity
is of a scale given by wave height divided by wave
period. A good and simple estimate of the surface
velocity as a disturbance scale is shown to be given
by the time derivative of the free surface height. The
most important role of linear wave theory is to
explain and understand the physics and measurement
procedures, such as done here in several places. Its
use for obtaining numerical results is criticised.
Instead, three integral measures of impact are
proposed, all of which use surface elevation
measurements and which require no essential
mathematical approximations or wave-by-wave analysis.
The methods are applied to a study of ship waves on
the Danube River. A number of results are presented,
including examination of the effects of measurement
frequency. After a ship passage, due to repeated
shoreline reflections of the wake waves, the river is
brought into a long-lasting state of short-crested
disturbances, with finite fluid velocities. The
environmental consequences of this might be important.
After the primary and secondary ship waves it could be
called the tertiary wave system.
- Fenton, J. D. (2019) Flood
routing methods, Journal of Hydrology 570,
The hierarchy of one-dimensional equations and
numerical methods describing the motion of floods and
disturbances in streams is studied, critically
reviewed, and a number of results obtained. Initially
the long wave equations are considered. When presented
in terms of discharge and cross-sectional area they
enable the development of simple fully-nonlinear
advection-diffusion models whose only approximation is
that disturbances be very long, easily satisfied in
most flood routing problems. Then, making the
approximation that changes in surface slope are
relatively small such that diffusion terms in the
equations are small, various advection-diffusion and
Muskingum models are derived. Several well-known
Muskingum formulations are tested; one is found to be
in error. The three families of the governing
equations, the long wave equations, the
advection-diffusion and the Muskingum approximations,
are linearised and analytical solutions obtained. A
dimensionless diffusion-frequency number measures the
accuracies of the approximate methods. Criteria for
practical use are given, which reveal when they have
difficulties for streams of small slope, for
fast-rising floods, and/or when shorter period waves
are present in an inflow hydrograph. They can probably
be used in most flood routing problems with an
idealised smooth inflow. However the fact that they
cannot be used for all problems requires a general
alternative flood routing method, for which it is
recommended to use the long wave equations themselves
written in terms of discharge and cross-sectional
area, when a surprisingly simple physical stream model
can be used. An explicit finite difference numerical
method is presented that can be used with different
inflow specifications and downstream boundary
conditions, and is recommended for general use.
- Fenton, J. D. (2018) On
the generation of stream rating curves, Journal
of Hydrology 564, 748 - 757.
Traditional methods for the calculation of rating
curves from measurements of water level and discharge
are criticised as being limited and complicated to
implement, such that manual methods are still often
used. Two methods for automatic computation are
developed using least-squares approximation, one based
on polynomials and the other on piecewise-continuous
splines. Computational problems are investigated and
procedures recommended to overcome them. Both methods
are found to work well and once the parameters for a
gauging station have been determined, rating data can
be processed automatically. For some streams,
ephemeral changes of resistance may be important,
evidenced by scattered or loopy data. For such cases,
the approximation methods can be used to generate a
rating envelope as well, allowing the routine
calculation also of maximum and minimum expected
flows. Criticism is made of current shift curve
practices. Finally, the approximation methods allow
the specification of weights for the data points,
enabling the filtering of data, especially decreasing
the importance of points with age and allowing the
computation of a rating curve for any time in the past
or present.
- Fenton, J. D. (2018) Where "Small is Beautiful'' -
Mathematical Modelling and Free Surface Flows, Chapter 3
Free Surface Flows and Transport Processes,
Kalinowska, M. B.; Mrokowska, M. M. & Rowiński, P.
M. (Eds.), Proc. 36th International School of
Hydraulics, Jachranka, Poland, May 2017, Springer.
Mathematical and computational models in river and
canal hydraulics often require data that may not be
available, or it might be available and accurate while
other information is only roughly known. There is
considerable room for the development of approximate
models requiring fewer details but giving more
insight. Techniques are presented, especially
linearisation, which is used in several places. A
selection of helpful mathematical methods is
presented. The approximation of data is discussed and
methods presented, showing that a slightly more
sophisticated approach is necessary. Several problems
in waves and flows in open channels are then examined.
Complicated methods have often been used instead of
standard simple numerical ones. The one-dimensional
long wave equations are discussed and presented. A
formulation in terms of cross-sectional area is shown
to have a surprising property, that the equations can
be solved with little knowledge of the stream
bathymetry. Generalised finite difference methods for
long wave equations are presented and used. They have
long been incorrectly believed to be unstable, which
has stunted development in the field. Past
presentations of boundary conditions have been
unsatisfactory, and a systematic exposition is given
using finite differences. The nature of the long wave
equations and their solutions is examined. A
simplified but accurate equation for flood routing is
presented. However, numerical solution of the long
wave equations by explicit finite differences is also
simple, and more general. A common problem, the
numerical solution of steady flows is then discussed.
Traditional methods are criticised and simple standard
numerical ones are proposed and demonstrated. A
linearised model for the surface profile of a stream
is obtained, also to give solutions without requiring
detailed bathymetric knowledge.
Lectures in hydraulics, numerics, and maritime
The most recent set of lecture notes here are those for a
course on River Engineering at the Vienna University of
Technology in 2021-2022: Home Page
Lecture notes as slides in colour
Lecture notes for printing in
small format, B\&W
This is an introduction to
hydraulics. True energy conservation is presented, and
Bernoulli's equation is left to a subsidiary (and
occasionally useful) role. It is an integrated momentum
equation which is valid along a streamline and whose
"constant" varies across streamlines. It is absurd to
expect to apply it in fully-turbulent three-dimensional
situations - for example the flow from a reservoir to a
tap in a house. It is much more intellectually honest
simply to use conservation of energy, which is more easily
derived and is a more plausible model of most hydraulic
A final year elective subject,
dealing with elementary oceanography, water wave theory,
tsunami, and coastal engineering
An introduction to numerical methods, presenting theory
and applications largely using the optimisation package in
Microsoft Excel.
This is a set of notes describing the application of
numerical methods. There are some innovations.
Coastal and Ocean Engineering - Steady water waves
A computer program ("Fourier") that solves the problem of
steadily-progressing waves over a flat bottom is described
and made available here: Fourier
Programs that implement Stokes and cnoidal theories are
also available. The instructions file for all is Instructions.pdf.,
which is also included in The
latest changes are shown as highlighted comments.
The three wave programs are
- A Fourier approximation method whose only
approximation lies in truncating the number of terms in
the approximating series: -
current version, 23 July 2015.
- An implementation of cnoidal theory, which is based on
series expansions in shallowness, requiring that the
waves be long relative to the water depth : -
current version, 20 March 2015 (to be unpacked in a
sub-directory of the Fourier one). This is an
approximation, and not as applicable to higher waves as
the Fourier method. It can be used as a check on that
method - for long waves that are not high, both should
give the same results.
- An implementation of Stokes theory, requiring that the
waves be not too long relative to the water depth: -
current version 20 March 2015 (to be unpacked in a
sub-directory of the Fourier one). This is also an
approximation, and not as applicable to higher waves as
the Fourier method. It can be used as a check on that
method - for waves that are not high or long, both
should give the same results.