The idealisation of a wave
Update Notes - Reverse chronological order
October 2022 - Ibrahim Konuk is writing a C++ program. He
noted that in the C program a couple of variables defined
were not necessary and that for deep water waves a
quantity in the output in a Gnuplot comment line was not
defined. All corrected.
I also modified the Gnuplot files so that the graphical
output mode "qt" is used, rather than "windows". For
screen viewing it is better
July 2019 - For very long waves, say 70 times the water
depth, the cnoidal program had problems evaluating the
elliptic functions in such an extreme limit. The program
has been modified as described in Appendix C-5 of Instructions.pdf, and the
software simplified using accurate approximations for all
elliptic functions and integrals.
June 2019 - I have modified the program such that
Fourier.exe now produces an extra results file Solution-Flat.res, which is
rather more easily read automatically - see #7.2 of Instructions.pdf. Of course,
all can be accessed by downloading
September 2018 - I have just realised that sometime in
recent years I had modified the Fourier program to allow
for the case of infinite depth, but I had not noted this
on the website or in the description file Instructions.pdf.
July 2015 - I have added some notes and comments to the
file Instructions.pdf.
Errors had crept into some of the figures, including the
incorrect dimensioning of wave height H on Figure
4-1. The corrected version of the figure is as shown
above. I have taken the opportunity to redefine the free
surface elevation eta with origin on the bed, as the
output from the program uses that. This required changes
to the presentation of some of the theory in the document,
but is unimportant as far as program operation is
concerned. I added a little section on the value of
gravitational acceleration g to use. It is more
whimsical than anything else, but it does point out that
the often-used g = 9.81 m/s^2 is actually not
correct to that accuracy for most of the world's
population. The changes are described in the comments
which are included in that file.
Download programs and instruction manual
There are now threeprograms that can be used. The
instructions file for all is Instructions.pdf,
which is also included in
- A Fourier approximation method whose only
approximation lies in truncating the number of terms in
the approximating series:
- current version, June 2019.
- An implementation of cnoidal theory, which is based on
series expansions in shallowness, requiring that the
waves be long relative to the water depth : (to be unpacked in
a sub-directory of the Fourier one). This is an
approximation, and not as applicable to higher waves as
the Fourier method. It can be used as a check on that
method - for waves that are not high, both should give
the same results.
- An implementation of Stokes theory, requiring that the
waves be not too long relative to the water depth: (also to be unpacked
in a sub-directory of the Fourier one). This is also an
approximation, and not as applicable to higher waves as
the Fourier method. It can be used as a check on that
method - for waves that are not high, both should give
the same results.
Questions, problems: please e-mail me here: John Fenton
The main theories and methods for the steady wave problem
which have been used are: Stokes
theory, an explicit theory based on an assumption
that the waves are not very steep and which is best suited
to waves in deeper water; and cnoidal
theory, an explicit theory for waves in shallower
water. The accuracy of both depends on the waves not being
too high. In addition, both have a similar problem, that
in the inappropriate limits of shallower water for Stokes
theory and deeper water for cnoidal theory, the series
become slowly convergent and ultimately do not converge.
An approach which overcomes this is the Fourier
approximation method, which does not use series expansions
based on a small parameter, but obtains the solution
numerically. It could be described as a nonlinear spectral
approach, where a series is assumed, each term of which
satisfies the field equation, and then the coefficients
are found by solving a system of nonlinear equations.
This, originated by Chappelear in 1961, is the basis of
the computer program FOURIER. It has been widely used to
provide solutions in a number of practical and theoretical
applications, providing solutions for engineering and
geophysics. The method provides accurate solutions for
waves up to very close to the highest. Below is shown the
surface profile for a wave of length L/d=50 and a height
98% of the maximum for that length - for such a long and
high wave (approaching a sharp crest), the method is close
to its limits.

The original theory and Fortran code can be found here,
or a more recent presentation here.
The current download version Fourier
also contains the code in the language C++. A description
of the theory and program inputs and outputs is given in Instructions.
A package with programs for cnoidal theory is also
available:, which
is also described in Instructions,
as is a package for Stokes theory:
There is also a numerical
cnoidal theory where long waves can be treated
without difficulty, however for wavelengths at least as
long as 50 times the depth, the Fourier method provides
good solutions.