Vienna University of Technology

River Engineering

Information Page

Latest changes - Sunday 31 July 2022

Institute of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering

The River Rhine near Karlsruhe, showing the old course, and "improved" straightened path

And similarly, closer to home, our own Danube

Amazon River

Free water jet, by Leonardo da Vinci, the world's best-known hydraulic engineer

River Adda, Northern Italy



Lecturer: Dr John Fenton,

Mobile: +43 664 7313 1035

The course will deal largely with flows and waves in streams using one-dimensional models, and the accompanying mathematical and computational descriptions and methods. Individual topics will be a selection from

  • Resistance in streams
  • The effects of obstacles on streams
  • Reservoir routing
  • The one-dimensional long wave equations
  • Unsteady flow - flood routing
  • Steady gradually-varied non-uniform flow
  • Measurements - Hydrography/Hydrometry

Lecture Notes

Full size, colour overhead slides

Reduced size, Black &White, suitable for printing

Occasionally lectures will refer to some parts of my Numerical Methods lecture notes:

Tutorial sheets

The worked solutions have all been produced using mathematical software. I thought it was better to do that so that students can see the working. Spreadsheets never really explain much.

Tutorial sheet 1, Answer sheet 1

Tutorial sheet 2, answers to be found in lecture notes or they are given on the question sheet.

Tutorial Sheet 3, Answer sheet 3

Tutorial Sheet 4, solution trivially included

Tutorial sheet 5, Answer sheet 5

Tutorial sheet 6, Answer sheet 6


Mondays 15:00-17:30, Seminar Room AD 03-1 AD 03-09, on the third floor.


I have not yet decided how this will be done, whether written or oral


A Glossary of Terms in Hydraulic Engineering - contains translations between English-German-Spanish-Italian-French-Portuguese. They are not sorted alphabetically, so it is probably best to use the search facility (CTL F). If you see any errors in German or English, please tell me. Dr Freddy Flórez has corrected the Spanish!

Fluid Mechanics, River Hydraulics, and Floods - An introductory lecture I gave to a group of students in Melbourne in February 2011, with reference to the floods that happened in Australia at that time - and caused my mother and I to evacuate first from the farm and then from the town.

Tutorial sheets & worked solutions



Kumar Links to Hydrology Resources

Visual resources

Prof. Hubert Chanson's Gallery of Photographs
IAHR Media Library - photographs and videos
Photographs of rivers
Photographs of rivers in Indonesia

Software packages

HEC-RAS - US Army freeware for numerical solution of river problems. We will be able to solve problems much more simply.

Catchment Modelling Toolkit- Australian freeware for solution of basin problems

USGS Water Resources Applications Software


Crocodile - usually neglected by theory ...

Devil's Bridge, River Serchio, Tuscany

Snowy River, Australia, with willows, introduced species, growth out of control

Upstream pier profile of Pont de la Concorde, Montréal with sharp upstream edge to break ice.

Maintained and authorised by: John Fenton

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